
If you truly want to do more with the same amount of time each and every day, then begin by developing those self-leadership skills necessary for personal success.

Can we agree that:

  • A minute has 60 seconds?
  • An hour has 60 minutes?
  • A day has 24 hours?

Then how can you run out of time given that time is a constant? What is really happening is that you are having to do more with the same amount of time.

Now the solution should not be managing time, but rather better management of yourself or what some call is self-leadership.

Many time management training programs focus on giving you specific time management strategies but fail to address self-leadership strategies necessary for personal and professional success.

Both skill sets must be connected to avoid repeating time management courses that many individuals take at least twice.

So how can you do more with the same? First, take the time to put your purpose together using a written purpose statement.

Answer the question why are you here? Then identify what gifts do you bring to the table of life?

Second, look to putting your vision and values statements to writing along with your mission statement for the next year.

Even when these are works in progress, print them and mount them on a wall where you can see them.

As you make decisions, you will waste less time pondering your course of action because these statements guide you as you lead yourself forward.

Finally, do you consistently achieve your goals for professional and personal success? If the answer is no, then you probably also have time management problems.

Consider adopting a proven goal setting and goal achievement course that will strengthen your ability as a leader to get results.

If you truly want to do more with the same amount of time each and every day, then begin by developing those self-leadership skills necessary for personal success.

Focus on you instead of the clock ticking away those seconds, minutes, and hours. You will truly do more with the same.

About the author

Leanne Hoagland-Smith

Leanne Hoagland-Smith has over 25 years in sales. Her true joy is selling and…

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