
Sales professionals are always looking for fresh strategies to boost their performance and outshine the competition. Surprisingly, one key factor that’s often neglected is their physical fitness for sales.

On this episode of the Sales Gravy Podcast, Jeb Blount discusses how physical fitness impacts sales success with online fitness coach Josh Hulsebosch.

Key Takeaways

– Importance of Posture: Maintaining a “proud posture” is crucial for both physical health and psychological confidence during workouts and daily activities.

– Habit Formation: Developing a consistent awareness of posture and practicing corrective habits over time can help shift one’s natural stance to a more aligned position.

– Physical and Mental Energy: Maintaining a proud posture can reduce fatigue and boost energy levels, leading to increased confidence over time. Deep diaphragmatic breathing, facilitated by good posture, can boost energy and reduce fatigue, impacting both physical and mental performance.

– Long-term Muscle Growth Strategies: Prioritizing recovery, nutrition, and consistent resistance training, while focusing on proper form, is essential for sustainable muscle growth and overall fitness improvement.

– Proper Posture Enhances Breathing and Communication: Maintaining proud posture expands the chest, improving breathing and vocal projection, which is especially important for professionals like salespeople who rely on strong communication.

– Sleep and Recovery: Adequate sleep and nutrition, particularly protein intake, are vital for muscle recovery and growth, especially as one ages.

– Mindset and Stoicism: Emphasizing control over actions and reactions, rather than focusing on external outcomes, can improve mindset, productivity, and overall well-being.

– Regular Posture Self-Checks: Developing good posture habits requires consistent self-checks throughout the day. Simple reminders can combat the effects of prolonged sedentary activities like desk work. Instead of pulling the shoulder blades back unnaturally, focusing on lowering the shoulders can alleviate tightness and promote better posture.

– Tempo Training for Muscle Control: Slowing down the eccentric phase of exercises like squats enhances muscle stabilization, control, and strength, supporting better posture and overall fitness.

– Muscle Strengthening: Strengthening the posterior muscles is essential for supporting good posture. Recommended exercises include rows, lat pulldowns, and hip flexor stretches.

– Core Engagement: Exercises like planks are emphasized for their role in core stabilization, essential for maintaining proper posture and functional strength.

– Resistance Band Training: Resistance bands are effective tools for muscle building, especially when access to traditional gym equipment is limited. Compound exercises are preferred over isolation movements.

A Path to Better Health and Confidence

Many people struggle with maintaining proper posture. Whether sitting at a desk, driving, or working out, poor posture can lead to discomfort and fatigue. The concept of “proud posture” plays a crucial role in both fitness and daily activities. Understanding how to achieve and maintain this posture can significantly enhance physical well-being and confidence.

Understanding Proud Posture

Proud posture involves standing tall with shoulders back and chest open. This position not only makes a person appear more confident but also contributes to better physical health. Unfortunately, many individuals often find themselves hunching over, especially when engaged in everyday tasks. This common issue can lead to energy loss and discomfort, making it essential to focus on posture throughout the day.

Common Posture Mistakes

It is important to have correct shoulder positioning to achieve proud posture. Many people mistakenly pull their shoulder blades back too much, which can cause unnecessary tension. Instead, you should draw the shoulders down to engage the lats while relaxing the traps. This adjustment helps create a more natural and comfortable posture.

Another vital area to consider is the thoracic cavity. Opening the chest and activating back muscles can improve breathing and overall communication skills. This is particularly beneficial in professional settings like sales, where clear communication is essential. Poor posture often leads to shallow breathing, which can negatively impact projection and confidence. By correcting posture, individuals can enhance their breathing, enunciation, and overall communication abilities.

Overcoming Posture Challenges

Despite understanding the importance of proud posture, many people struggle to maintain it throughout the day. Routine activities like typing or driving often lead to hunching over, a habit that has developed over the years. Recognizing this issue is the first step toward making positive changes.

Strengthening posterior muscles supports better posture. Exercises such as rows, lat pulldowns, and back stretches can help activate these muscles and improve alignment. Additionally, incorporating dynamic hip flexor stretches can loosen tight muscles and contribute to proper posture. Regular activation of these muscles is essential for maintaining proud posture over time.

Creating lasting change in posture comes down to habit formation. With consistent awareness and practice, individuals can shift their natural posture toward a more aligned and confident stance. This requires dedication and a commitment to being mindful of posture throughout the day.

Techniques for Posture Correction

One effective technique for improving posture involves standing against a wall with your feet about two feet away. Keeping the head in contact with the wall while pulling the hips slightly away can help activate key muscles. After a minute or two, this exercise encourages the body to follow suit into a natural upright position.

In addition to exercises, modern fitness wearables can provide reminders to adjust posture. Gadgets like apps or hardware can alert users when they start to hunch, serving as helpful tools for maintaining awareness. Another method involves placing body tape along the back to provide tactile feedback when posture slips. This technique trains muscle memory, helping individuals maintain proper alignment.

The Importance of Core Strength

Core strength plays a crucial role in maintaining good posture. The plank is emphasized as the most important core exercise, as it engages the core in its primary function: stabilization. While sit-ups and crunches focus on aesthetics, planks help improve overall strength and posture.

Variations of planks, such as side planks, are also recommended. These exercises engage lateral muscles and offer a comprehensive workout for the entire core. Integrating planks into workout routines can enhance core strength while reinforcing proper posture.

Flexibility and Strength Training

A well-rounded fitness routine should focus on improving flexibility, strength, and posture. Dynamic exercises targeting multiple muscle groups can significantly enhance overall physical well-being. For example, starting with a hamstring stretch while bending the knees and transitioning into a plank position can activate the core and improve flexibility.

Deadlifts are another essential exercise for building strength and improving posture. They work the posterior chain, which includes the legs, glutes, and back. Proper glute activation is crucial during deadlifts to alleviate lower back pain and ensure the body remains aligned. Focusing on form, such as driving the hips back instead of lowering the weight, can prevent injuries and ensure effective muscle engagement.

Nutritional Considerations

Building muscle and maintaining proper posture also require attention to nutrition. Protein intake is essential for muscle repair and growth. Experts recommend consuming between 0.8 to 1 gram of protein per pound of lean body mass. While this amount can be challenging to achieve, it’s vital for supporting physical health.

Unlock Your Well-Being

Incorporating proud posture into daily life can lead to significant benefits, both physically and psychologically. By understanding the importance of posture, addressing common mistakes, and implementing effective techniques, individuals can improve their overall well-being. Consistent practice, awareness, and a commitment to strengthening the appropriate muscles will help maintain proud posture, enhancing confidence and health for years to come.

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About the author

Jeb Blount

Jeb Blount is one of the most sought-after and transformative speakers in the world…

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