Keep your emotions in check. Road rage is on the rise. While it ought to be avoided simply on the basis of safety, a display of temper behind the wheel could also cost you in terms of the business relationship.

Rules Of The Road On Business Trips

Is there anyone who is not aware of the changes that have occurred in the travel industry in the past few years? If you are a business traveler, you have been affected. Every day we hear about companies that are cutting back on their travel budgets.

To save money, those business people who used to fly first class are now moving to the back of the plane. In the interest of time, those who flew the short daily trips from city to city are deciding to drive. You may be among those who find themselves sharing an automobile with the boss or a business colleague. It may be time to brush up on the rules of the road.

The person who owns the car drives. Offering to do some of the driving is a nice gesture when the car is not yours. State your offer twice to let the other person know that you are sincere. If you don’t get chosen for the role, let it go.

If there are more than two of you, ask where you should sit. The choice seat is reserved for the most senior person. If that’s not you, wait for instructions.

Keep your emotions in check. Road rage is on the rise. While it ought to be avoided simply on the basis of safety, a display of temper behind the wheel could also cost you in terms of the business relationship.

When men and women are traveling together by car on business, it is not necessary for a man to open the door for a woman. However, if a man finds it hard to break old habits of good manners, the woman should be gracious in her response and not offended.

If you happen to be sharing a ride with a colleague from another organization and that person is providing the car and gas, offer to help with expenses. If your offer is not accepted, find another way of showing your appreciation. You might opt to pay for a meal during the trip or send a business gift when you return.

Traveling by car with business associates offers danger and opportunity. Turn these trips to your advantage with your thoughtfulness and courtesy.

About the author

Lydia Ramsey

Lydia Ramsey helps people promote themselves and grow their business by showing them how…

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