
Sales Training Matters For Small Businesses

Sales Training can help your small business reach new heights, even with limited resources.

There is a simple reason why large companies invest in sales training: It improves sales productivity and gives them a competitive edge.

For this sames reason, sales training is crucial for small businesses that wish to be competitive, grow faster, improve cash flow, and get a higher return on the payroll dollars invested in customer facing employees.

Effective sales training equips your employees with the skills required to land new customers, expand revenue with existing relationships, and retain customers over the long-term.   

5 Reasons Why Small Business Owners Don’t Invest in Sales Training

Still, small business owners rarely invest in sales training for their customer facing employees because they may not fully understand the importance of sales training or may be unaware of the potential benefits it can bring to their business.

Those that do value sales training often don’t invest in it for these reasons: 

  1. Limited Resources: Small businesses often have tight budgets and may struggle to allocate funds for training programs or external trainers.
  2. Time Constraints: Running a small business requires owners to wear multiple hats and manage various responsibilities. Finding time to dedicate to training initiatives can be challenging.
  3. Focus on Immediate Results: Small business owners may prioritize immediate sales results over long-term skill development, believing that investing time and resources in training will not have an immediate impact on revenue generation.
  4. Fear of High Costs: Some small business owners perceive sales training as an expensive endeavor and may be hesitant to invest in it, especially if they are uncertain about the return on investment.
  5. Perceived Complexity: Owners may perceive sales training as a complex task and may be uncertain about how to structure and deliver effective training programs. They may also lack the necessary knowledge and skills to design and deliver effective sales training programs themselves. They may feel ill-equipped to provide valuable training to their sales team.

Get Creative and Seek Out Sales Training Options that Your Small Business Can Afford

Though small businesses lack the resources of large enterprises, there are affordable options for training available for those who take the initiative and are committed to building a high-performing customer facing team. 

Websites like Sales Gravy and others like it have a massive amount of free content that you can use to develop the skills and knowledge of your team. The key is getting creative and seeking our sources for teaching your salespeople like sales books, sales articles and sales podcasts.

Likewise you can source sales training content from your suppliers, vendors, and industry trade association.

Finally, look to full service online sales training platforms for affordable on-demand courses and virtual instructor-led workshops. These platforms take the complexity out of giving your team access to enterprise quality sales training content.

Choose the right type of sales training that suits the business’s needs, market, product or service offering, and your values.

7 Reasons Your Small Business Should Invest in Sales Training

Small businesses can benefit substantially from investing in sales training for their employees. Sales training helps create a high-performing team that easily adapts to market changes, delivers an exceptional customer experience, and can go toe-to-toe with larger competitors and win.

Here’s what sales training can do for your small business:

  1. Increased Revenue: The most direct impact of sales training is improved sales performance, which translates into increased revenue. Effective sales training provides the skills and strategies necessary for employees to close deals more effectively and efficiently.
  2. Improved Customer Relationships: Sales training often includes techniques for better understanding customer needs, building rapport, and providing excellent customer service. These skills can improve customer relationships, leading to repeat business and referrals.
  3. Competitive Advantage: In a competitive marketplace, the ability to sell effectively can distinguish a small business from its competitors. Sales training can provide employees with a deeper understanding of the sales process, the competitive landscape, and the unique value proposition of their company’s products or services.
  4. Increased Employee Confidence and Morale: When employees feel well-trained and competent, they are likely to have increased confidence in their roles. This confidence often results in better job performance and higher morale, which can improve the overall work environment and reduce staff turnover.
  5. Consistency: Sales training can ensure that all employees are using the same sales tactics and strategies, providing a consistent experience for customers. This consistency can enhance the company’s brand and reputation.
  6. Product Knowledge: Effective sales training includes product knowledge. When employees know the products they’re selling inside and out, they are better equipped to answer customer questions and overcome objections, leading to more sales.
  7. Adaptability: Sales training can help employees adapt to changes in the market or in the business itself. For example, if a company launches a new product or targets a new customer segment, sales training can equip employees with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in these new circumstances.

Given these benefits, small business owners should consider sales training not just an expense, but an investment that can deliver significant returns now and into the future.

Learn more about deploying sales training in your business in our FREE Guide: The Small Business Owner’s Guide to Sales Training

About the author

Jeb Blount

Jeb Blount is one of the most sought-after and transformative speakers in the world…

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