
On this episode of The Sales Gravy Podcast, Lucy Beth Adams sits down with Master Sales Trainer, Jessica Stokes to discuss her journey in sales, from her early days in cold calling to becoming a top trainer. She offers valuable insights on maintaining customer relationships, handling objections, and staying motivated in a challenging sales career.

Key Takeaways: 

– Facing Rejection with Determination: Early sales careers can  involve a lot of cold calling, rejection, and setbacks. However, having a competitive spirit can drive you to keep pushing, knowing that persistence will eventually pay off.

– Self-Motivation and Rewards: Using personal rewards as motivation throughout your career and setting specific goals, such as a trip to Las Vegas, and continuing to find ways to reward yourself with commission-based incentives can help you reach your goals. 

– Building and Maintaining Relationships: Focus on nurturing customer relationships, both past and present. You can do this by using traditional methods, such as handwritten notes, to stand out and stay connected, along with maintaining a presence on LinkedIn.

– Engaging Disengaged Learners: To connect with disengaged learners, it’s effective to engage them directly, whether by calling on them in class or approaching them during breaks. Building rapport can help break down their defenses and encourage a more open attitude toward learning.

– Preparation for Handling Objections: Sales professionals should anticipate common objections and prepare responses in advance, similar to bringing a study guide to an exam. This preparation helps maintain composure during uncomfortable moments and prevents rambling.

– Recognizing Common Objections: The most common objections encountered by salespeople often include being “not interested,” “too busy,” and requests to “just send an email.” Acknowledging these objections as knee-jerk reactions can help salespeople better handle them.

– Persistence After Losing Deals: After losing a deal, it’s crucial to maintain a positive mindset. Finding ways to uplift oneself, such as connecting with friends or engaging in enjoyable activities, can help restore motivation. Additionally, continuing to prospect for new opportunities is essential.

– The Importance of Micro Commitments: Gaining micro commitments—small agreements to follow up or have another meeting—throughout the sales process can reduce the likelihood of being ghosted. This strategy fosters engagement and provides opportunities to understand why a deal was lost.

– Time Blocking for Efficiency: Time blocking, a strategy learned from sales, is effective for managing tasks and maintaining focus. By dedicating specific time slots to activities without multitasking, individuals can increase productivity in both professional and personal life.

Diverse Life Experiences

Diverse experiences before entering sales can provide valuable perspectives. Serving in the military, for example, instills discipline and a sense of adventure, both of which are beneficial in a sales career. Transitioning through different industries, such as hospitality, also helps build resilience and adaptability—traits essential for success in sales.

Overcoming Early Challenges

Cold calling is one of the toughest aspects of starting in sales. Rejection is common, but embracing a competitive spirit and focusing on the long-term goals can push through these hurdles. The key takeaway is that perseverance, even in the face of frequent setbacks, is essential to achieving sales success.

Changing Perceptions of Sales

Sales is often misunderstood and mischaracterized. Initially, there may be hesitancy to fully embrace the role of a salesperson due to negative stereotypes. However, direct experience in the field reveals that sales is not about being pushy or gimmicky, but about solving problems and building trust. The advice here is to embrace the sales profession confidently and redefine what it means through personal integrity and service.

The Importance of Self-Talk

Positive self-talk is a powerful tool for staying motivated and resilient. Sales can be a rollercoaster of highs and lows, and internal dialogue plays a crucial role in maintaining focus. Regularly setting personal rewards for achieving targets also helps to stay motivated. The lesson is to practice positive reinforcement and create small incentives that boost long-term success.

Building Lasting Relationships

Building strong, lasting customer relationships is key to sustainable success in sales. Personalized outreach, such as handwritten notes, can make a significant difference in how customers perceive a salesperson. The advice is to find ways to stand out by showing genuine appreciation for customers, which can set one apart in an increasingly digital world.

The Power of Micro Commitments

Another effective strategy is gaining micro commitments throughout the sales process. By asking for small agreements, such as scheduling a follow-up meeting, salespeople can create a sense of engagement and prevent potential customers from going silent. These commitments lead to better conversations and provide valuable insights into why a deal may not have moved forward.

Time Management Techniques

Time management is crucial for both sales and everyday life. Implementing time blocking can significantly enhance productivity. This involves dedicating specific time slots for focused work without distractions. By using this method, individuals can improve their efficiency in both professional tasks and personal responsibilities. Adopting these strategies can lead to greater success in engaging learners and customers alike.

The Joy of Training Others

Sharing knowledge and helping others succeed brings a unique sense of fulfillment in a sales career. When techniques shared in training positively impact others, it highlights the importance of continuous learning. The lesson here is that the journey of growth never stops, and teaching others is an effective way to reinforce personal skills while contributing to the success of the broader team.

Connecting with Disengaged Learners

Connecting with disengaged learners and potential customers can be challenging. To build a meaningful connection with those who seem uninterested, it is important to engage them directly. For example, educators can call on disengaged students during class or approach them during breaks. These small interactions help break the ice and lower defenses, especially for individuals with Type-A personalities who may initially resist engagement. Once those barriers come down, they often become more open to learning and discussion.

Handling Customer Objections

When it comes to handling objections from potential customers, preparation is key. Sales professionals should anticipate the most common objections and have their responses ready. Common objections include “I’m not interested,” “I’m too busy,” and requests to “just send me an email.” It is crucial to recognize that these responses are often knee-jerk reactions to an unexpected sales call. Being prepared can help salespeople maintain their composure during these challenging moments and prevent them from rambling or panicking.

Coping with Rejection

After losing a deal, it is natural to feel discouraged. However, it is important to maintain a positive mindset. Finding support from friends, family, or colleagues can provide the motivation needed to move forward. Engaging in enjoyable activities, such as watching a favorite show or listening to music, can also help lift spirits. Additionally, immediately returning to prospecting for new opportunities is essential to replacing lost deals.

Embrace Continuous Growth

The journey through sales is a dynamic process that blends diverse life experiences, resilience, and strategic thinking. From overcoming the challenges of cold calling to mastering time management and handling objections, each lesson contributes to a foundation for long-term success. Building lasting relationships and staying motivated through positive self-talk are essential skills, while the joy of training others and sharing knowledge brings fulfillment to the sales profession. By embracing continuous growth and adapting strategies like micro commitments, sales professionals can thrive in an ever-evolving landscape.

See what courses Jessica has to offer on Sales Gravy University HERE.

About the author

Lucy Beth

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