Being your personal best is your invisible business card.

Is your sales strategy based upon relationship selling? Then how can you leverage relationship selling to increase sales? The answer lies within you.

Why Relationship Selling Works

Relationship selling is becoming a very powerful sales strategy because of its simple effectiveness.

Prospects who are people buy from sellers who are people. Simply speaking, people buy from people they know and have learned to trust.

Trust comes from demonstrated observed behaviors along with the gut-brain or intuitive sense.

Since trust comes from that intangible sense rooted in each person’s own belief system, then those in sales must believe that every action they take is the best possible one for their clients.

Our Personal Best

When we believe that we are doing our personal best each and every day, we are not only building authentic relationships, but the results will always speak for themselves.

As salespeople, we become recognized for our reputation and personal integrity.

Yes, sometimes, we do not have the quick sales experienced by others.

However, the success of others should not determine our own personal behaviors.

Being your personal best is your invisible business card. People come to know you by word of mouth or by actual interaction.

This is the foundation for relationship selling.

Relationship selling is not about phonies or those looking for a quick sale. This sales strategy takes time and considerable effort.

However, the business goal to increase sales resides within the larger one of business sustainability.

You as a salesperson can leverage relationship selling by committing yourself to be the best that you can be in every interaction with every person.

This is a challenge especially with so many phonies or “Johnny Come Latelies” in the marketplace. Yet, it can be done.

Just remember to speak these words to yourself out loud before your next meeting:

I am the best relationship builder because I am always delivering my personal best.

About the author

Leanne Hoagland-Smith

Leanne Hoagland-Smith has over 25 years in sales. Her true joy is selling and…

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