Tibor Shanto has over 20 years of sales experience from telemarketing to leading a global sales team focused on providing top end solutions. Tibor has helped to improve performance for sales professionals in a wide variety of fields, from financial services to on-line B2B specialists.

Starting out as a telemarketer, dialing over 100 new contacts a day. Then moved on with Canada's leading discount broker, where he led a team of selected professionals focused on high-end clients and the Bank's underwriting positions.

Sharpening his skills as selling Foreign Exchange services to medium and small businesses. As the Internet era dawned, he entered the on-line/information space, first with the Globe and Mail's Globe Information Services, then at Dow Jones, Reuters and later at Factiva.

Tibor achieved multiple performance awards across positions from Account Executive to AVP. In addition he also has served as Strategic Sales Director, Director of Sales Operations, Director of Knowledge Transfer/Training, Associate Vice President -- all with the mandate to increase revenues, maximize efficiencies, and reduce costs.

He is a brilliant sales tactician, who believes that success in sales is all about Execution, everything else is just talk; and there is no shortage of talk in sales. With a focus on metrics and process, Tibor helps his clients improve critical aspects of their sales cycle, including aligning to buyer process, remove redundancies to shorten their cycles, increase close ratios, and create double digit growth through the execution of their strategy with through tactical execution.

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