Tessa Stowe has consistently been a top producing, award winning, salesperson in the technology/computer industry for over 20 years. Tessa has sold technical software (performance tools, development tools, etc.), business software (billing, customer management, etc.), services and hardware to small/medium and large corporations, financial institutions, telecommunications companies and government. Prior to her selling career, Tessa was involved in computer programming, computer consulting and UNIX marketing.

She has worked for both small and multinational (USA/UK) technology/computer companies and has worked in the UK, the Middle East, South Africa, Asia, Australia and New Zealand and has extensive international experience. Tessa's sales have ranged from thousands to millions with her largest single sale being over US$10 million. In her last seven years of selling, she made over US$50 million in sales of technology software and services.

Today she is on a mission to inspire people to choose happiness as their health regime and acquire the skill of happiness so they’re happier, healthier, less stressed and live longer.

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