When your website turns people off after you send them there, you are only widening that gap between brand marketing, execution, and customer loyalty.

Retail businesses monitor social media sites and customer service. According to a report released by Forrester, everything from customer complaints to comments is being monitored.

One of the interesting customer service facts was the continued disconnect between customer support and actual customer strategy.

In other words, there is a belief that meeting customers’ needs is very important, but the actual execution of that belief continues to face critical challenges.

A User-Friendly Web Presence

To meet this challenge, about 1 out of 4 retailers will be offering interactive web-based live chat.

Social media sites will take an even greater presence in these marketing action plans.

What this means for any business is understanding the impact of the Internet and how your site must truly be user-friendly, as well as found on the web.

When your website turns people off after you send them there, you are only widening that gap between brand marketing, execution, and customer loyalty.

Unfortunately, many small business owners have ineffective web sites in spite of paying hundreds or even thousands of dollars for search engine friendly sites.

digital marketing in food industry

Next Steps to Get Ahead of the Curve

It is critical for small business owners and sales professionals to understand some Internet basics specific to search engine optimization (SEO).

They’ll also need to know how to write better marketing copy before they make the jump into social media as they expand their branding further and further into cyberspace.

Then within the customer loyalty plan, you will need to write specific goals as to how to monitor what customers are saying about your business on the web through social media and other interactive web sites.

Today, being ahead of the curve is necessary, especially if you wish to thrive in the years to come.

About the author

Leanne Hoagland-Smith

Leanne Hoagland-Smith has over 25 years in sales. Her true joy is selling and…

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