The most powerful question you can ask yourself is simply, “What is standing between you and a much bigger business?”

There is one question I ask every single business owner that I meet.

  • That one question tells me whether the person is going to ultimately be successful or fail slowly and painfully.
  • That one question shows me whether they really understand their business or are just guessing at what it takes to grow significantly.
  • The answer to that question determines whether this company will skyrocket to riches or stumble along a path of mediocrity.

It is a question you should be asking yourself at least once a year.

The most powerful question you can ask yourself is simply,

“What is standing between you and a much bigger business?”

You see, the answer to this question determines where you spend your limited time, money and other resources.

It shows you where to focus and what to say YES to.

It also shows you what you must say NO to doing in the coming year.

When you can answer this question confidently and accurately, it shows that you have thought deeply about where you are and what has gotten you there.

It demonstrates that you have a firm understanding of your vision for your company and what steps you need to take to reach it.

It also lets me know whether you have the courage to face your shortcomings and weaknesses and do something about them.

Answering this question openly and honestly signals your commitment to real growth and development.

I can tell you that this question changed my life the first time I faced it.

  • When I truthfully answered that question, I owned up to the fact that I needed to invest time and energy in creating a proven system for generating predictable revenue. At the time, I was woefully behind on my sales plan and in danger of losing my company altogether. I had to put a sales and marketing plan in place and follow it every single day.
  • I also had to face the fact that I had no clear plan for growing my company beyond myself and what I could personally produce. I had to make a plan for hiring and expanding my business. Only when I could create more value for clients would I be able to earn the income I desired.
  • Finally, I admitted that I had to buy out a partner who didn’t share my vision for reaching millions of customers worldwide. If you have ever had to break up a partnership, you know it is emotionally devastating. But it had to be done if I was going to reach my dreams.

What is standing between YOU and a much bigger business?

Make a list right now. Write it all down. Everything you need to learn, think and do to have the business you always dreamed of.

About the author

Laura Posey

Expert in small business growth. I'm the person you hire when your small business…

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