Written By: Nancy Bleeke
Words are mighty and the key to our success in communication, leading, and coaching our team. Even our seemingly little words can have a huge impact.
Ever say something you wish you could “take back?” I sure have! Unfortunately though, you can never erase the words you say … and someone else hears. Think about the social media snafus from celebrities and politicians in the past few months alone. So many words that would’ve been best left unsaid.
Words are mighty and the key to our success in communication, leading, and coaching our team. Even our seemingly little words can have a huge impact.
Our words have the ability to build or break the other person: your receiver.
It’s something to think about, isn’t it?
Consider the words most often used in your conversations with your team. Do they have the impact you want or need them to? If not, make the effort to positively impact the people on your team with each conversation by using the little words that make a huge impact!
Nancy Bleeke
Sales expert Nancy Bleeke helps companies and individuals increase sales 5 to 25 percent…
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