When you are winning deals, it’s easy to slip into a euphoric mindset and completely forget about the process that got you there in the first place.

Out of all the sales rules, there is one in particular that should never be broken. Being loyal to this one single rule can mean the difference between sales success and sales disaster.

What is the number one sales rule?

Drum roll please!

The number one sales rule to follow is to never end your day without taking at least one proactive step to put prospective business in the top of your sales funnel.

That means making one call, asking for one referral, sending a letter, an email, or going to a networking event.

It doesn’t matter what the activity is, it’s just important that you are acting proactively and putting yourself in front of probable prospects.

I suggest that you commit to completing your business development activities first thing in the morning to make sure they get completed.

While making sales calls first thing in the morning may not be the best time of day to make a call (studies show that calling between 4PM – 6PM yield the greatest results), too many salespeople procrastinate throughout the day and end up never making a single call.

It doesn’t matter what season it is or how healthy your sales currently are…make time to prospect daily!

Sadly, I witness many salespeople and companies have an incredibly profitable month or quarter only to be followed up with a terrible sales period. Its very predictable.


Because during the busy sales periods, sellers forget to prospect.

They see consistency in their sales and start to party (figuratively and literally), as a result, they lose focus on their future because they’re too busy enjoying the present.

When you are winning deals it’s easy to slip into a euphoric mindset and completely forget about the process that got you there in the first place.

Don’t let this happen to you!

Yes – rules can be adjusted, bent and sometimes broken.

But, always stay loyal to the rule of daily prospecting and your sales will remain in good shape!

How often do you focus on your prospecting?

About the author

Colleen Francis

Colleen Francis, Sales Expert, is Founder and President of Engage Selling Solutions. Colleen Francis…

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