
Todd Natenberg, President of TBN Sales Solutions, increases commissions for salespeople through customized training and consulting. He establishes sales processes with private workshops and individual consulting to impact the bottom line.

Prior to the formation of TBNSS, Todd was a sales manager and regional sales trainer for Teligent, Inc. in Chicago, which offered local, long distance and data services nationwide. Previously, he was a top salesperson for LCI International, AT&T, USN Communications and Canon, where he sold copiers. Todd also has worked as a district sales manager for Discovery Education.

His book, “I just got a job in sales. Now what?” A Playbook for Skyrocketing Your Commissions, has been endorsed by notable experts including Brian Tracy, Roger Dawson, Stephan Schiffman, Jeffrey Gitomer and Tony Parinello.

Todd also recently produced, “How to Double Your Sales in ½ the Time: Sell how you want to buy,” a home study course that includes a 10-hour interactive cd series. He moved to Kansas City in 2007.

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