
If you are like most women business owners, you started a business because you have a particular passion, talent, skill or ability; not because you like selling.  Then you discovered you had to sell to keep your business profitable.  Like it or not, sales is the only way to generate revenue.   Many owners are not skilled in selling or never had any formal sales training.

The truth is selling can be fun but you need to make sure you are selling from a place of wanting to serve your customers versus from a place that is self-serving. Here are 5 tips on how to sell from your heart and not from your head.

Tip 1:  Be clear on who your ideal buyer is. The type of individual you want to attract into your business that you know you can help and you really want to work with. These are the people you resonate with and can easily connect to.

Tip 2:  Take time to build a relationship with your customers and prospects. People think with logic but act with emotion so if you allow the relationship to grow and make an emotional connection, the sales will eventually come.

Tip 3:  Ask lots of questions and give your prospect an opportunity to speak. In order to find out specifically how you can serve and what your customers needs are, you need to ask questions to really uncover an area where you can offer assistance and make sure you listen, listen, listen.

Tip 4:  Come from a true place of serving your ideal market and look for solutions that you offer that help your ideal client and get them quicker to their goals. Be genuine and be authentic and rather than look for how you can close a sale, really focus on them and how you can make them better.

Tip 5:  Lead with your gifts. Offer your expertise and your knowledge willingly and for free. This will attract people who are interested in learning more information about you and provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your skills.

About the author

Liz Wendling

Liz Wendling is the president of Insight Business Consultants, a nationally recognized business consultant,…

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