The point is that most people spend time worrying about not hitting their goal and concentrate a lot of time thinking about the things that could go wrong, while Top Performers in any industry or sport are thinking only about what it’s going to take to accomplish their goal. In other words, Top Performers stay focused on attaining their goals and are constantly thinking about winning.

I won’t keep you in suspense, rather, I’ll tell you right now that all successful CEO’s, Sales Leaders, Top Sales Reps and winners have this one thing in common:

They see and concentrate on what it is they WANT to accomplish rather than on what they don’t want to happen.

This may sound simple, but think about it: When you think of accomplishing your sales goals, how much of your time do you spend thinking about all the things that might prevent you from hitting it? How much time do you spend:

1) Wondering how the economy is going to slow you down or prevent you from hitting it?
2) Worrying what might happen if you don’t hit it?
3) Wishing you had better leads or a better territory?
4) Wondering how many of those leads might close?
5) Dreading cold calling or prospecting?
6) Dwelling on all the deals that haven’t closed or on the ones you’ve missed in the past?
7) Thinking about how impossible the goal is and how desperate your boss/manager must be?
8) Secretly knowing you’ll never hit it but if you come close at least you’ll pay the rent and keep your job?

I’m sure you can add many items to this list…

The point is that most people spend time worrying about not hitting their goal and concentrate a lot of time thinking about the things that could go wrong, while Top Performers in any industry or sport are thinking only about what it’s going to take to accomplish their goal.

In other words, Top Performers stay focused on attaining their goals and are constantly thinking about winning.

There’s a great line in the Hermann Hesse book, Siddhartha. When asked how he’s able to easily accomplish his goals, Siddhartha says:

“Once I’ve decided on what it is I want, I don’t let any thoughts that are contrary to it enter my mind.”

I love that, and it perfectly defines Top Performers.

If you have trouble staying focused on winning and accomplishing your goals, try doing these three things:

1) Identify EXACTLY what it is you want, and lock on to all of its exciting parts. Make a list of 50 things you’ll get, experience, feel or enjoy as the result of accomplishing that goal. Keep the list with you at all times and constantly refer to it – especially at night and in the morning.

2) See yourself as already having succeeded. Write up an affirmation card of how you feel NOW THAT YOU’VE ALREADY ACCOMPLISHED THE GOAL. Read and visualize this three to five times a day.

3) Stay focused on solutions. Whenever something comes up (as challenges always do), be quick to look for solutions. Get in the habit of asking yourself, “What are three things I can do right now to solve this?” And then make that list and take those actions.

These are just a few of the things Top Performers do to keep them focused on winning. What else are you prepared to do to begin thinking like a Top Producer, too?

About the author

Mike Brooks

Mike Brooks is the founder of Mr. Inside Sales, a North Carolina based inside…

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